Teams’ Sunday Lunch
One of the duties of the Provincial Wardens during their year of office is to organise the Sunday lunch for the acting officers of the year.
Malcolm and Gill Serjeant, Keith and June Beardmore, Lucas and Julie Kelly
Malcolm Serjeant and Lucas Kelly proved up to the task in arranging the event in the Wyre Bank Suite at Garstang Masonic Hall.
The happy diners
On a somewhat overcast but improving sky the venue delivered once again. The food and service was excellent whilst the setting next to the canal basin was picturesque as always. The trip was most assuredly a worthwhile outing for those who had made their way to Garstang from the four corners of the Province.
Colin Mills and Keith Beardmore
Malcolm and Gill Serjeant, Ian and Judy Nairn, Keith and June Beardmore,
Geoffrey Lee, Gill Kelly, Marion Lee and Lucas Kelly
Provincial Grand Master Keith Beardmore along with his wife June were amongst the attendees and were accompanied by Geoff and Marion Lee together with Ian and Judy Nairn.
More happy diners
A hubbub of conversation commenced with the arrival of the first diners and continued until it was time to depart. It was very much a case of good company and excellent food which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Ernie and Rose Gavan
At the last Provincial meeting Colin Mills stood down after nine years of sterling service as Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary. Keith chose the occasion to present Colin with a Certificate of Merit to acknowledge his efforts on behalf of the Province. The fact that it was the only “business” conducted on the day and that his wife Sheila, along with so many of his friends were in close attendance, made the presentation more personal.
Lucas was also able to report that the event had raised £177 for Mark charity.
Words and pictures by David Sear